Perking up the performance of a Glasair Sportsman
Power Flow exhaust shows a measureable efficiency gain over the standard system.
Build Your Own Hangar Doors
Not finding any commercial doors to his like or budget, the author built his own. By Nolan Bradbury.
Homebuilding-In the House!
Building a hoist allows a builder to construct a full-span wing assembly inside his house-and keep it out of the family's way.
Ask the DAR
Recertifying a Homebuilt after major changes. Changing the gross weight when putting a Rans S6S on floats.
Kitfox vs. Kitfox
A side-by-side comparison between an old Kitfox Model 4 and a new Kitfox Series 7 Super Sport SLSA. And the winner is?
Two-axis Electric Trim Controller for Under $50
This homebuilt two-axis electric trim controller has all the functions of the fanciest commercial units, yet it costs less than $50 for the parts.
Going Glass in a Glasair
Lessons learned while installing a Dynon SkyView system in a Glasair Super II apply to all types of experimentals. By Gary Jones.