Buying Used: GlaStar
This article begins a new series that takes off from our previous articles on buying a used Experimental/Amateur-Built airplane. Where the previous series took...
Ed Zaleski 1947–2019
Ed Zaleski was in so many KITPLANES® photos that he should have been on the payroll.
eBay Biplane
“Around 2006, I was on eBay quite a bit,” said Doug Eastman of Thornton, Colorado, looking for parts for the “first airplane I ever...
Turbine Temptation: Power is Life!
The day the beautiful wooden box arrives from the Czech Republic is a day no SubSonex builder will ever forget. I tracked mine through...
IFR GPS Buyer’s Guide: Avidyne and Garmin
Selecting a GPS for your project has never been easy, even in the early days of TSO C129(A1) GPS technology. This regulatory spec was...
Ticket to Fly. IFR or No?
Like hundreds of fellow enthusiasts, the weather kept us out of Oshkosh 2019 on pre-show Saturday, and like dozens of refugees, we hunkered down...
Garmin G5
Garmin figured out that not everyone was in the market for a full G3X EFIS suite. Some homebuilts out there still have six holes...
Continental Officially Opens New Mobile Plant
Saturday, September 14, 2019, was a big day in Mobile, Alabama… the grand opening of Continental Aerospace Technologies’ new 275,000-square-foot design and manufacturing facility.
Turbine Temptation: Building the Airframe
Rule number one for building the SubSonex: Build from the inside out. Rule number two: Never close anything until you have no choice but...
Avionics Bootcamp: ADS-B For Canada and Beyond
If you’ve equipped your plane for the U.S. ADS-B mandate, there’s a good chance it won’t work in other countries, including Canada.