Homebuilt Accidents: Fire!
Quite possibly, your eyes glazed over a bit when you saw the title of this article. Quite possibly, you’re poised to skim forward a...
Turbine Temptation: Final Integration and Testing
It looks almost finished, but there’s still much to do before the jet is ready to fly.
A Wooden Kneeboard for Tablets
While I owned my Fisher FP-404 (“Restoring a Stored Homebuilt,” February 2017), I was using an Android smartphone running the free Avare navigation app...
Sporty’s PJ2
For a couple of hundred bucks, why argue about whether a handheld VHF com radio is worth having? Top-of-the-line tablets can cost five times...
Special Delivery
There are events in your life where you will always remember the time, place and what you were doing when they happened: September 11,...
The Big Toot
The Big Toot Tommy Meyer built is not the two-seat biplane his father envisioned. “It was going to be a side-by-side version of Little...
Turbine Temptation: Wiring, Avionics and Plumbing
The systems are simple but space is tight, so plan ahead.