Engine Monitors

Good options, but the installation is more important than the model.

Van’s on Top

A utility-first airplane turns Van’s design chops upside down.

Van’s–The Middle Ages

My involvement with Van’s Aircraft started in 1987—if my memory is right. The company had been going for 15 years when I got there,...

50 Years of Success

What it takes not just to survive but thrive as a kit manufacturer.

Van’s at 50

It might surprise many of our readers that I am a relative newcomer to the world of Van’s Aircraft and the RV. It’s not...

RV-15: How Does It Compare?

How does Van's RV-15 compare to the Dream Tundra?

Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 2

Making mockups.

Patience, Kindness and Understanding

AirVenture! It’s finally here. How is it a year can pass so quickly yet take so long? For many, AirVenture is more than the...

Slow Leak From a Quick Drain

Solving the mystery of dirty oil leaking from an engine full of clean oil.

The KR at 50

Celebrating five decades of Ken Rand’s smooth, light, fast homebuilt.

In Case You Missed It

A Sign of the Zodiac (Part 4)

Builder Rick Lindstrom’s Zenith Zodiac 601 XL project continues as the Corvair engine is installed and the panel takes shape. Lindstrom selects instruments and avionics for his project and uses templates to plan the panel.

Crewing at Reno

A window into air racing.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 10)

What do you do when your horizontal stabilizer isn't exactly horizontal? First, you check that the fuselage is level. If this confirms that the stabilizer is indeed slightly off, remove it and apply heat. Sounds simple, but there's a right and a wrong way to go about it, and author Bob Fritz describes the most effective method to straighten things out.

Constant-Speed Props

How do they work?