Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 6)

In this series installment, author Bob Fritz takes you through the basics of a three-day project you can really use: lightweight fiberglass wheel chocks. The article covers materials, cutting, patterns, foam cutting, eliminating bubbles, and pitfalls to look out for during the build; by Bob Fritz.

All About Avionics, Part 7

If you intend to fly non-precision or precision GPS approaches, you really do need an IFR GPS. This article explains the options available and the legal issues associated with using the latest in-cockpit GPS technology for IFR navigation; by Stein Bruch.


Builders share their successes.

Lancair Evolution

Lancair Aircraft is revolutionizing its already successful turboprop line of kits with the new Evolution, a 750-horsepower, Pratt & Whitney-PT6A-powered, carbon-fiber composite, 380-mph four-seater to be available later this year.

A Sign of the Zodiac (Part 4)

Builder Rick Lindstrom’s Zenith Zodiac 601 XL project continues as the Corvair engine is installed and the panel takes shape. Lindstrom selects instruments and avionics for his project and uses templates to plan the panel.

A Futuristic Anachronism

Ultimate experimenter Paul Lipps has used his own homebuilt, a Lancair 320, as a test bed for his many innovations, which include reflexed flaps, an ultra-long pitot tube for more accurate readings, a solar-powered fan for the cockpit, a cowl scoop for ultra cooling of the magneto, extremely close clearances between the spinner and the prop, and a one-of-a-kind propeller.

Build Your Skill: Composites, Part 5

In this series installment, author Bob Fritz takes you through the basics of building a carbon fiber tank, including measuring, layout, patterns, cutting, epoxy-flox application, sanding, sawing, epoxying and finish work.

All About Avionics, Part 6

Whether portable handheld or panel-mounted, GPSes are the wave of the future in avionics, and these units can store and display a remarkable amount of detailed information. With nifty docks, handhelds can perform much like the panel-mounts in the cockpit, yet be removed for use in other vehicles.

Vertical Power

This brand new power management system harnesses CPU power to eliminate the need for much of an aircrafts wiring by consolidating major electrical functions into a single box. It comprises three units: a display, controller module/panel housing and mag controller. Bundled into the setup are radios, instruments (including GPS, EFIS and engine monitoring) and lights. Each flight phase is broken down into the tasks normally performed manually by the pilot, and the VP-200 addresses them more or less automatically, while also providing override capability in the event of a system failure.

Simple Green

Extreme Simple Green - Aircraft is a new product designed to clean your aircraft safely without damaging finishes. Its effective in removing oil and other dirt from the exterior surfaces as well as the interior, and is used by Boeing on its family of airplanes. Its available at specialty stores and aviation supply houses.

In Case You Missed It

Wind Tunnel

Got separation anxiety? Vortex generators can keep the airflow attached where it belongs.
The most difficult compromises live in the middle of the performance envelope, while the easiest decisions are found at each end of the spectrum. This VW installation emphasizes economy over performance, so a prop gearbox would be an obvious complication.


Never one to revel in the practical, recently I found myself expounding to a colleague on why the general aviation world moves at 2700 rpm.

Engine Beat

Steve Ells examines the RSA-type fuel-injection system, shows you how to set the idle speed and idle mixture, and how to clean the nozzles and screens.

The Snazzier 10

Inside and out, Van’s updates its four-seater.