DIY Airport Glideslope Indicator

Author Chuck Deiterich details how to build your own simple but effective visual glideslope indicator using common household construction materials.

Are We There Yet?

We all know that building your own airplane is a project thats never really finished, and having a partner only complicates the process, as two viewpoints about necessary equipment must be reconciled before progress can be made. Such was the case when these two partners in an RV-9A tried to come to terms with what avionics a panel (and the pilots) really needs; by Roger Molthuis.

All About Avionics

Having worked with a variety of products from various manufacturers, author Stein Bruch has a lot of wisdom on the ins and outs of electronic flight instrument systems (EFISes) for homebuilts. He dispenses those smarts here, and offers tips on what to consider when making this important avionics decision, including such items as compatibility, reliability, value and ease of installation.


Sherrill Kendricks Sonex241WW was completed in 1999 in trigear format and flown that way for about three years. Being a commercial seaplane pilot, I...

Synergy Air Energizes Builders

Thanks to a new course in Oregon, RV enthusiasts have another way to help finish building their airplanes more quickly and get flying sooner.

All About Avionics

Which engine monitor is best? Author Stein Bruch may not offer a definitive answer for all builders, but he details the factors that should be considered before arriving at a final decision, along with tips on how to achieve a successful installation.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 11)

Author Bob Fritz offers a middle way to paint your airplane yourself, without surrendering your first born or breaking the bank. Hint: Preparation and the right equipment are essential.


Builders share their successes.

A Great Compromise

Building an airplane usually requires a long-term commitment, not entirely dissimilar to the one that is made when saying I do. Yet many builders lose sight of this when building, sometimes even forgetting that they have a spouse. The commitment to the project must be matched by the commitment to maintaining a spousal relationship, and a little forethought and planning can help both builder and spouse enjoy not only the process, but the end result.

All About Avionics, Part 9

One of the final steps in getting your avionics suite to work is installation of some sort of antenna to capture various radio frequencies. Failing to choose the right antenna and install it properly can compromise the whole installation. Rather than focusing on the intricacies of antenna design, the author discusses the merits of internal versus external for particular equipment plus where to place them; by Stein Bruch

In Case You Missed It

UMA Instruments

Analog gauges still have a place in the digital era.

Kit Stuff


Down to Earth

Amy Laboda finds a way to keep her RV-10s engine cool-until she runs into hot, South Florida summer weather, that is.

Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry clears up airspace restrictions for homebuilts during flight testing and discusses how the original builder of a homebuilt design remains the builder unless the airworthiness certificate is surrendered, which has implications for reselling an aircraft.