To Launch a Light Sport

The Jabiru engine is a thing of beauty to behold, and it’s one reason this builder bought this particular aircraft kit. Though the installation was relatively easy, it still required some thinking ahead; by Bob Fritz.

Build Your Skills: Fabric

Finishing tapes not only strengthen areas that need reinforcement, but they also cover unsightly screws, rivets and rib-lacing cord. This month we cover the types of tapes available, where they should be applied and how to apply them; by Ron Alexander.

To Launch a Light Sport

It’s amazing what a little light will reveal, in this case a planned hole for the wing that would have been dangerously close to the wingspar. No worries. The problem was remedied, and it was on to fixing flaws in the wing’s surface and working on the nosewheel and front suspension; by Bob Fritz.

Supercharged F-1 Rocket

While builder Wolfgang Meyn loved the F-1 Rocket quickbuild kit, things got a little more complicated (and exciting) when he decided to add an Aero Supercharger Solutions supercharger teamed up with a modified Airflow Performance fuel-injection system; by Ed Wischmeyer.

Roll Your Own

When they couldn't find a likely single-seat homebuilt that would work as an inexpensive but reliable commuter airplane, two builders who are well versed in metal aircraft construction took it upon themselves to design and build one;

The Paint Shop Experience

Deciding that you don't want to paint your homebuilt airplane yourself means placing your baby in the hands of a paint shop. Susan Brunner offers some tips to help manage this important aspect of the building process successfully.

University of Jabiru

If you're considering or have already made the decision to use a Jabiru engine on your kit aircraft, Texas Sport Cub builder Dave Prizio says this three-day course will add to your confidence when installing and maintaining it.

Build Your Skills: Fabric

This month we look at installing the fabric on the wing and how to use rib-lacing, reinforcement tapes, pre-punched holes, and methods of mechanical attachment including pop rivets, PK screws and fabric clips; by Ron Alexander.

To Launch a Light Sport

This month’s chronicle of building a Jabiru J250 Light Sport airplane covers the assembly of the wings and tail, and discusses the value of surface preparation.

Build Your Skills: Fabric

The fabric has been applied to the airplane structure, its been tightened properly, and now its time to apply the first chemical coat to seal it. Ron Alexander takes you through the process and also introduces the various ways of attaching the fabric.

In Case You Missed It

Staying in the Game

It’s never been easy to afford flying, and it’s getting harder. As costs continue to rise, here are innovative ways to stay in the air.

Aero ‘lectrics

Jim Weir describes some close encounters with power regulators of the plastic and metal-can kind.

A Lesson in Control(s)

This is a story of a simple thing overlooked. It involves a basic concept...


Along the way.