Channel Challenger
Dick Starks and the Dawn Patrol get a front-row seat to the Bleriot XI replica’s very successful first flight. Next comes flying off the 40 in preparation for its English Channel flight.
Man on a Mission
Tom Needham, with the help of his son Daniel and numerous friends, completes a Sportsman 2+2 and will use the plane's big hauling capacity and short-field performance to shuttle people and supplies between remote locations in Africa.
Build a Bear: Third Time Charm
Repeat offender Dave Prizio goes for his third strike, ultimately deciding to build an Texas Sport Cub.
The Independence Project: Winging It
Dave Martin and EAA Chapter 292 take on the latest offering from Vans Aircraft: the RV-12 LSA kit.
Flight Testing: Finding TAS from GPS Data
Math works! Kevin Horton shows you how to use GPS data to calculate true airspeed.
Return of the Turbo-Compound
Everything old is new again. Paul Lamar looks at the turbo-compound engine, developed in the post-WW-II era. Thrown over for jet engines, it may yet hold promise today as we search for more energy efficient ways to get the most out of increasingly expensive fuel.
All About Avionics: Wiring Bundles
Anyone can make wiring look good. The bonus is that your installations maintenance and future upgrades will be much easier. Stein Bruch shows you how.