Avionics Special: Construction Zone

Marc Cook succumbs to the siren song of the Garmin G3X, and clears the flight deck for an avionics upgrade.

Fly on One…Youll Understand.

Matt Hlavacs open-air Breezy is a simple, fun way to fly … and, oh, the view!

Builder Profile: Fred & Pam’s Great Big Airplane Adventure

Fred Darnell's Murphy Super Rebel Moose is a real heavy hauler, and a pussycat to fly.

Build a Bear: Taking Stock

The big truck bringing Dave Prizio’s Texas Sport Cub arrives, and the inventory and painting processes begin.

The Home Machinist

All tapped out? Bob Fritz lets you in on his secrets for retrieving broken, over-torqued and stripped screw heads.

The Independence Project: Tackling the Tail

Dave Martin and the builders of Chapter 292 break out the rivet guns and bucking bars, and work on the RV-12 tail.

Flight Testing: Static System Error, Theory and Practice

Flight testing requires precise airspeed calibration and measurement. A less-than-optimal pitot-static system can compromise those numbers. Heres how to troubleshoot the problem.


Builders share their successes.

Channel Challenger

Dick Starks and the Dawn Patrol get a front-row seat to the Bleriot XI replica’s very successful first flight. Next comes flying off the 40 in preparation for its English Channel flight.

Man on a Mission

Tom Needham, with the help of his son Daniel and numerous friends, completes a Sportsman 2+2 and will use the plane's big hauling capacity and short-field performance to shuttle people and supplies between remote locations in Africa.

In Case You Missed It

Vacuum-Bagging for Homebuilders

This month well go through the step-by-step vacuum-bagging process for an aileron trimtab part to see how to deal with extreme contours.

Down to Earth

You like to think that once you're finished building, those deliriously long cross-country flights you've been craving are near at hand. Enter the DAR, who may or may not agree with that premise. Columnist Amy Laboda and her husband were just such eager beavers, but they soon learned (somewhat reluctantly) that there's value in listening to the voice of experience.

Aircraft Handling: What’s It Mean To You?

Two seasoned test pilots, Chuck Berthe and Ed Wischmeyer, discuss their favorite aircraft and the traits that make the aircraft endearing. They also offer a brief history of aircraft design, and discuss the payoffs and compromises inherent in any design effort. Some of their selections are surprising. a Staff Report.

Editor’s Log

Editor Mary Bernard makes the case for presenting the annual Aircraft Buyer's Guides data in a new, more useful form.