The Independence Project: Avionics
It’s time to install the shiny, expensive boxes in the RV-12. Yes, the avionics package goes in… and it’s not as difficult as it used to be. By Dave Martin.
Build a Bear: Mellow Yellow
Dave Prizio and team build a paint booth (too small), test drive charcoal masks and bunny suits, and discover the joys of covering your homebuilt plane with $400 per gallon paint.
Avionics Special: Surfing the Rapids
Marc Cooks installation of Grand Rapids Technologies Horizon HX synthetic vision EFIS is darned near plug-and-play, and works beautifully.
Build a Bear: Put the Fabric in Fabrication
Dave Prizio evaluates the two major fabric covering systems – PolyFiber and Air-Tech – and sets to work, patiently covering his Texas Sport Cub airframe.
The Independence Project: We Start the Finish Kit
The Independence Project presses on, this time tackling the multiple tasks that make up the finish kit on the RV-12. By Dave Martin.
Build a Bear: Moving Right Along
It’s starting to look like a Sport Cub. Dave Prizio gets to work on the systems and finishes the wings.
The Independence Project: Forward to the Fuselage
Dave Martin marches ahead with the Van’s RV-12, inventorying fuselage hardware, attaching the sideskins, working on other subassemblies and mating the tail cone to the fuselage. Progress!
Flight Testing: Static System Error – Theory and Practice, Part 2
In Part 2 of the series, Kevin Horton shows you how to gather and interpret flight-test data to identify static system error (spreadsheets included).
To Launch a Light Sport
Bob Fritz uses a couple of HVLP paint guns in preparation for painting his Jabiru J250. Which one is the top gun?