The Independence Project: Avionics

It’s time to install the shiny, expensive boxes in the RV-12. Yes, the avionics package goes in… and it’s not as difficult as it used to be. By Dave Martin.

Build a Bear: Mellow Yellow

Dave Prizio and team build a paint booth (too small), test drive charcoal masks and bunny suits, and discover the joys of covering your homebuilt plane with $400 per gallon paint.


Builders share their successes.

Avionics Special: Surfing the Rapids

Marc Cooks installation of Grand Rapids Technologies Horizon HX synthetic vision EFIS is darned near plug-and-play, and works beautifully.

Build a Bear: Put the Fabric in Fabrication

Dave Prizio evaluates the two major fabric covering systems – PolyFiber and Air-Tech – and sets to work, patiently covering his Texas Sport Cub airframe.

The Independence Project: We Start the Finish Kit

The Independence Project presses on, this time tackling the multiple tasks that make up the finish kit on the RV-12. By Dave Martin.

Build a Bear: Moving Right Along

It’s starting to look like a Sport Cub. Dave Prizio gets to work on the systems and finishes the wings.

The Independence Project: Forward to the Fuselage

Dave Martin marches ahead with the Van’s RV-12, inventorying fuselage hardware, attaching the sideskins, working on other subassemblies and mating the tail cone to the fuselage. Progress!

Flight Testing: Static System Error – Theory and Practice, Part 2

In Part 2 of the series, Kevin Horton shows you how to gather and interpret flight-test data to identify static system error (spreadsheets included).

To Launch a Light Sport

Bob Fritz uses a couple of HVLP paint guns in preparation for painting his Jabiru J250. Which one is the top gun?

In Case You Missed It

Fiberglass Parts Holder

Photo 1. Fiberglass parts sitting on the hangar floor are easily damaged by...

Still More Mistral Magic

Flying a Glasair III with a Mistral rotary engine.

50 Years of Success

What it takes not just to survive but thrive as a kit manufacturer.


Through New EyesJust read Tom Wilson's "Through New Eyes" and had to smile....