All About Avionics
Stein Bruch reviews the airborne weather choices for the homebuilder, using technology undreamed of only 20 years ago.
Datalink Weather: Long-Term Exposure
Marc Cook relates his experience, more than four years' worth, with XM-sourced inflight weather.
Buying Used Lightning Detection
Avionics guru Larry Anglisano examines the market for used lightning-detection gear.
Builder Profile: Orange Appeal
Marc Cook profiles a rookie Copperstate show winner: a spectacular F-1 Rocket with a distinct Harley vibe.
The Independence Project: A Power Finish
The engine and prop complete the building phase, and the RV-12 is ready for the flight test phase. By Dave Martin.
Build a Bear: Some Assembly Required
Much more than Tab A into Slot B: Team Prizio assembles the Texas Sport Cub.
Builder Survey: Wilderness Calling
Lucky 13: RANS S-7 Coyote builders tell KITPLANES about their building, company support and flying experiences. By Mary Bernard.
All About Avionics: Electrical Connections
Building a plane? Youll need connectors. Stein Bruch shows you what to use, where to put them and how to make a quality connection.