
Builders share their successes.

All About Avionics

Stein Bruch reviews the airborne weather choices for the homebuilder, using technology undreamed of only 20 years ago.

Datalink Weather: Long-Term Exposure

Marc Cook relates his experience, more than four years' worth, with XM-sourced inflight weather.

Buying Used Lightning Detection

Avionics guru Larry Anglisano examines the market for used lightning-detection gear.

Builder Profile: Orange Appeal

Marc Cook profiles a rookie Copperstate show winner: a spectacular F-1 Rocket with a distinct Harley vibe.

The Independence Project: A Power Finish

The engine and prop complete the building phase, and the RV-12 is ready for the flight test phase. By Dave Martin.

Build a Bear: Some Assembly Required

Much more than Tab A into Slot B: Team Prizio assembles the Texas Sport Cub.


Builders share their successes.

Builder Survey: Wilderness Calling

Lucky 13: RANS S-7 Coyote builders tell KITPLANES about their building, company support and flying experiences. By Mary Bernard.

All About Avionics: Electrical Connections

Building a plane? Youll need connectors. Stein Bruch shows you what to use, where to put them and how to make a quality connection.

In Case You Missed It

Builder Survey: Wilderness Calling

Lucky 13: RANS S-7 Coyote builders tell KITPLANES about their building, company support and flying experiences. By Mary Bernard.

Down to Earth

You like to think that once you're finished building, those deliriously long cross-country flights you've been craving are near at hand. Enter the DAR, who may or may not agree with that premise. Columnist Amy Laboda and her husband were just such eager beavers, but they soon learned (somewhat reluctantly) that there's value in listening to the voice of experience.

Drill Straight!

We've finished up the left spar for our Xenos motor glider, and that means...

No Limits!

Marco Cherubini is a paraplegic, but that didn’t stop him from building an RV-7 and fulfilling his dreams of flight.