Ask the DAR

DAR Mel Asberry clears up airspace restrictions for homebuilts during flight testing and discusses how the original builder of a homebuilt design remains the builder unless the airworthiness certificate is surrendered, which has implications for reselling an aircraft.

All About Avionics: Flight-Control Systems

As the industry matures, the sheer variety and capabilities of autopilots for Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft are flourishing. By Stein Bruch.

The Home Machinist

Bob Fritz visited the TechShop workshop in Menlo Park, California, and got to play with lots of big, shiny toys that any homebuilder would covet.


Builders share their successes.

The Home Machinist

Home Machinist Bob Fritz had been looking for a way to compare the effectiveness of various screw extractors he had accumulated in his toolbox, and he found a willing test subject in a Cessna 170s 60-year-old gas tank.

All About Avionics: EFIS Dreams 2010

In this years update of the options for EFIS buyers, we find that while some companies have folded or opted out of courting homebuilders, others are marching ahead with new products, features and cooperative arrangements. By Stein Bruch.


Builders share their successes.

Detail Man

Master craftsman Andy Paterson's innovative finish work on a Glasair Sportsman polished the airplane to near perfection.

Hiring Help With Avionics

Larry Anglisano makes the case for homebuilders getting professional assistance with complex avionics installations.

Vacuum Bagging for Homebuilders

Pleats, punctures and vacuum loss, oh my! Patrick Thomson addresses all of these potential problems and more in the last installment of his series on vacuum bagging at home.

In Case You Missed It

Narrowed Focus

A seemingly complicated part layout can be simplified by narrowing your focus from...

Unusual Attitude

As Dick Starks rouses the Dawn Patrol, he recalls his aeronautically inspired familiarity with grain crops, and a nimble performance of the Nieuport Stomp.

Building the RV-3 Aileron Trim

Shocked by the price of servos, Paul Dye decided to fabricate an aileron trim for his RV using compact linear actuators intended for use in radio-controlled models and robotics.


Along the way.