Family Legend
Starting as a Texas Sport kit, a little Cub with the unlikely name of Scrappy grew, with a host of custom touches and multigenerational effort, into a cherished family heirloom.
Page Turner
Every homebuilder knows how important it is to document your build to meet the FAAs 51% rule, but how you do it can range from handwritten notebooks to custom web sites detailing every rivet and pin stripe. By Marc Cook.
An untimely prop strike results in more than just a call to the insurance company. Decisions regarding engine and propeller replacement open up numerous options. By Bill Repucci.
All About Avionics
As autopilots become more and more commonplace, their utility only gets better. Stein Bruch offers an overview of the latest trends.
Engine Beat
Vacuum systems may be an imperfect way to power instruments, but careful monitoring and maintenance can forestall common issues. By Steve Ells.
Ask the DAR
DAR Mel Asberry continues his discussion of aircraft operating limitations by explaining what those Phase II flight test rules mean.
Here Comes the Judge
How do aircraft judges at the big annual events evaluate a potential prizewinner? You might be surprised. By Bill Repucci.
Give Me a Brake
When his Zenith CH 701 wouldn't stay put during runup and tended to roll on an incline, builder Chuck Deiterich came up with a do-it-yourself solution.