Engine Update
Lycoming makes a push into the Light Sport Aircraft market with its new O-233 engine. Though similar in appearance to the venerable O-235, it’s an entirely new design poised to take on some heavy competition. By Marc Cook.
The Ultimate Upgrade
Wendell and Martha Solebee’s experience in the automotive restoration business came in handy when it was time to prep their Lancair Evolution for paint.
All About Avionics
Electrical components ahead of the firewall are crucial to the operation of the engine and aircraft systems. Stein Bruch presents a primer on wiring these vital elements of your electrical system.
Maintenance Matters
Veteran A&P Steve Ells explains the basics of setting up and organizing your home workshop, and the tools you'll need to complete and maintain your project.
Learning to Weld
Ken Scott's series on welding closes with an afterword from his mentor, Philip Groelz, who explains why TIG welding is the way to go.
Homebuilt Aircraft Insurance
Choosing insurance for your homebuilt can be a complex decision. Scott Smith breaks it down and explains what you need to keep your plane covered-at every stage.
Alternative Energies
Dale Kramer invigorated the ultralight movement in the 1970s with the Lazair. Now he's doing it again-with a battery-powered version. By Dean Sigler.