Understanding Experimental Light Sport Aircraft

Dave Martin explains the different designations of factory-built and Experimental Light Sport Aircraft and how they continue to evolve.

All About Avionics

Stein Bruch explains how bringing smart phones and tablets, with a bevy of aviation apps, into the cockpit have helped him become a better—and safer—pilot.

Finding the Source

While on a routine technical counselor consultation, Paul Dye discovered hidden treasure: Richard VanGrunsven’s original RV-1. He details a bit about its history and preparations for its planned tour this summer.

Fabric, Demystified and Non-Toxic

Marc Cook takes part in a three-day, fabric-covering course offered by Stewart Systems, learns about the company's water-based product line, and picks up a few pointers along the way.

The Ultimate Upgrade

As Martha and Wendell Solesbee near completion on their Lancair Evo, they encounter the minor setbacks that make the “90% done, 90% to go” expression ring true.

Understanding Your Risks

Paul Dye discusses risk management, and how you can decrease the chances of having an aviation mishap.

Ask the DAR

Mel Asberry answers readers’ questions on one-off engineering data requirements, how to fill out an AC 20-27G form, and how to test-fly an aircraft in the U.S. Virgin Islands.


Builders share their successes.

Garmin aera 796: Portable Syn Vision

Garmin builds on its portable product line with two new navigators: the aera 795 and 796. Paul Bertorelli reviews these synthetic-vision capable units.

Build It Better: The Choices We Make

Paul Dye debuts his new series on the myriad considerations that go into building and flying Experimental aircraft.

In Case You Missed It

CircuitMaker for Aircraft

What a spaghetti diagram! Not really.

Design Process: Horizontal Tail

The horizontal tail has two functions. It provides control power to trim and maneuver...

Risky Business

Unforeseeable risks in kit aircraft projects. By Sid Mayeux.

Letters: September 2019

Building and Selling Two articles in the June edition really hit home for me: “How...