Making the Perfect Lancair

Terrence O'Neill has taken customization of his Lancair 235 to a new level, from the Burns Stainless exhaust to a remote-controlled canopy.

Firewall Forward: Lycoming Engine Service School

Dave Prizio attends the Lycoming Engine Service School in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and comes away from the experience with many lessons.

All About Avionics

Building your own panel need not be daunting. Stein Bruch offers some wisdom about how to keep the project on task and avoid the mistakes others have made.

Ask the DAR

Who can be in the cockpit of a homebuilt aircraft during Phase I flight testing? Mel Asberry answers the question.

Engine Update

UL Power engines have gained popularity in the homebuilt community in recent years. Marc Cook takes a closer look at the Belgian-made line and the people behind it.


Countless modifications for homebuilts are available, but does that mean they're right for our projects? Paul Dye discusses the value of keeping things simple.

Something to Do

Upon his retirement, Jim Shy embarked on a lifelong dream of building his own airplane. But before he even decided on a design, he bought a place to keep it: his own airport.

Buzzwords: Maneuvering Speed

Ed Kolano unravels some of the misconceptions of the oft-misunderstood term, “maneuvering speed,” and explains the implications for pilots of homebuilt aircraft.

Maintenance Matters

In Part 2 of his discussion, Steve Ells delves into more detail about patching, repairing or replacing aircraft aluminum.

Build It Better: When 1+1 Does Not Equal 2

Paul Dye explains how to achieve unlike (or dissimilar) redundancy on the various systems in your homebuilt.

In Case You Missed It

Plane and Simple

Dont blow into the pitot tube!

Editor’s Log

In some of the impressive projects described in this issue, and the dedication and passion of their designers and builders, Editor-in-Chief Mary Bernard finds reasons to be hopeful about the future of aviation.

Product Review: Garmin GMA 240

Garmins latest com offering is a streamlined audio panel/intercom that doesn't do everything, but what it does-nav/com, music, muting and pilot isolate-it does exceptionally well. By Marc Cook.

The Dawn Patrol

Five bottles and counting.