Switch Blade
Weighing just 11 pounds for a hub and three blades, the new carbon-fiber prop from Whirl Wind Propellers improves the performance in both climb and cruise on a RANS S-7.
Firewall Forward: Choosing a Prop for Your Project
Wood or composite? Constant speed or fixed pitch? The choice of propeller should be made just as carefully as the choice of an engine. Dave Prizio outlines some of the important factors to consider.
Unusual Attitude
If you want to install an alternative engine in your aircraft, make sure you've thought through the issues of weight, thrust line, cooling and cowling.
Build It Better: Where’s Your Margin?
How can you give yourself that margin of safety that you hope you'll never need?
Cable Classroom
Most homebuilt aircraft use control cables, so it's helpful to understand how to select, install and maintain them.
Down to Earth
Many homebuilders understand their kits as just a starting point for their own preferred modifications.
Anatomy of a Modification
Paul Dye takes readers through a rework of his RV-3's fuel system to illustrate why some mods are a sound choice.
Ask the DAR
Can a former Part 103 aircraft be registered as an LSA? And how is an appropriate Phase I flight-test area determined?
Efficient Engines
There are many ways to increase an engine's efficiency when rebuilding. Tom Wilson reviews the options, along with the costs involved and the expected returns.