CubCrafters has just come out with a what they call a Discovery Kit, which is designed to allow potential Carbon Cub builders a chance to see if they can get comfortable with fabric covering before committing to the whole kit. The Discovery Kit costs $995 and includes an actual Carbon Cub EX-2 rudder and all the the materials and chemicals needed to cover it. Considering the substantial investment a complete kit requires, this should help to put those who may be nervous about fabric construction at ease. The best part is that if they decide to go ahead and purchase the complete kit, the rudder is already finished.
In Case You Missed It
To Launch a Light Sport
Bob Fritz finds that in the midst of making progress, the build process has its own value. Here, he walks through the process of designing and installing an on-board fire extinguisher system for his Jabiru J250, and offers a few tips for locating holes and installing the wings.
2012 Alternative Engine Buyers Guide
If you’re in the market for an auto-conversion engine for your homebuilt aircraft, here’s a definitive guide to the options. By Patrick Panzera.
To Launch a Light Sport
Bob Fritz presses on! In this installment, he powers up the Grand Rapids Technologies EFIS panel, solves a curious com antenna problem, installs the Zaon PCAS, fits the door to the fuselage’s curvature, and streamlines the air flow to the oil cooler.
Light Stuff
Dave Martin - 0
Having completed his Vans RV-12 ELSA, Dave Martin revisits a weekend Repairman Inspection course to prepare for his first annual condition inspection.