After a good soaking rain most of the night at SNF the majority of the arrivals have been of the feathered variety. But alas the rain has stopped and the sun is peeking through. So far word in homebuilt camping is everyone came through mostly dry. It’s going to be another sunny day!
In Case You Missed It
Ask the DAR
Mel Asberry - 0
We begin a short series that looks at the particulars of a homebuilt aircrafts operating limitations. Have you read yours?
Ask the DAR
Mel Asberry - 0
Overweight LSA, paperwork confusion for a DAR inspection, converting an SLSA to an ELSA.
All About Avionics
Stein Bruch - 0
With all of the ways to get GPS information into the cockpit, a handheld unit remains a viable option. By Stein Bruch.
Light Stuff
Roy Beisswenger encourages Americans to participate in the World Microlight and World Paramotor Championships to be held in Spain this summer, and discusses what is required to compete.