Poke around the AirVenture camp grounds around dinner time and you’ll find every sort of gathering around barbecues. From small families to near-Woodstock events, food, drink and a smoking grill are the common denominators to the all important socialization that makes AirVenture a recurring draw for so many people.
Sometimes there are even gatherings within gatherings, such as when we met up with one of our favorite indulgences, our friends at the Biplane Forum barbecue. With forum members distributed across the world, AirVenture is the only logical venue to meet the faces behind the posts on the online forum, and how better to do it than around red hot coals?
Thanks to some overlap in membership, the Biplane Forum gathering was held in the EAA Chapter 59 campsite. The two groups combined resources, Chapter 59 trading access to their site for the Biplane Forum providing the food for everyone that night. Acquaintances were made and friendships renewed before dispersing back into our computerized avatars for another year.