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Vic Syracuse

Vic Syracuse
Vic is a fixed-wing and helicopter commercial pilot, CFII with ASMEL/ASES ratings, an A&P/IA, DAR, and EAA technical advisor and flight counselor. Passionately involved in aviation for over 40 years, he has built 11 aircraft and logged over 10,000 hours in 72 different kinds of aircraft. Vic volunteers as a Young Eagle pilot, has his own sport aviation business called Base Leg Aviation, and has written two books on aircraft prebuy and condition inspections.

Alternate Air Opening

This was discovered on an aircraft during a condition inspection. It really was a poor installation. Nonetheless, the aircraft had been operating on unfiltered...

Missing ELT Batteries

Many aircraft owners don’t realize that some ELT control panels and audio alerters have their own separate batteries, which must be installed at installation...

Maxing Out the Fun Factor

For those who have experienced it, the fun of going on a flying trip with your friends and their families in the airplanes you...

Wrong Rudder Cable Nut and Missing Cotter Key

Wherever a bolt is subject to rotation, it is required to have a castellated nut and cotter key. A typical mistake I see on...

Lessons From Galesburg

I’ve had a number of readers ask me if I managed to make it to the Stearman National Convention, and I’m happy to report...

Checkpoints: AirVenture 2019

As I write this, we have been home from AirVenture 2019 exactly one week, and I am feeling much better than when I wrote...

Unairworthy: Missing Safety Wire

Some bolts have drilled heads for a reason: They are supposed to be safety wired. The first example is a wheel pant bracket. The...

Fuel Leak and Cracked Flare

A major fuel leak was discovered on this airplane not long after the first flight. The majority of the fuel in the tank leaked...

The 2-Mile Decision

For those of you who read my column last month on keeping the fires lit, I find it ironic that I find myself telling...

Do’s and Don’ts of Aircraft Building, Part 2

Do’s and Don’ts of Aircraft Building, Part 2

In Case You Missed It

The Airplane Van Didnt Want to Build

How the RV-6 became the most successful kit aircraft yet.

Designer Spotlight: John Thorp

John W. Thorp has had a profound influence on both homebuilding and on aviation in general. If you've flown Piper Cherokees or know of the all-flying tail, you're familiar with his design principles, and his T-18 is still a favorite worldwide.
Starduster with a flat tire.

Flat Broke

It was just two days before standing down for an annual inspection, so I...

Metal Magic: Cutting Round Instrument Holes

KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye continues the Metal Magic series with a tutorial...