Vic Syracuse
First Flight Experiences
I’ve done quite a few first flights for new builders. I lost count when the number went over 40. Most of them have been...
Unattached Vertical Fin
Here is a photo of a vertical stabilizer attach point on an RV-9A that is completely missing the four lower attach bolts shown in...
Cracked Alternator Bracket
Look closely and you will see that the bracket is cracked on the left side of the slot.
Building the ‘Beater – Part 1
In my “New Sojourn” column in the July 2022 issue, I told you I was committed to building a Hummingbird helicopter. I have begun...
SCAT Tubing Cut
Be careful when routing SCAT tubing close to metal structures like engine mounts.
The hard spring wire can actually cut through the 4130 engine mount...
Always Learning
While I see lots of recurring maintenance problems every day, tough ones that require some additional thinking for the Diagnosis column don’t always happen...
What’s AirVenture Without a Little Storm?
Although, last night’s storm was one of the bigger ones. Lots of rain and wind gusts over 50 mph. So far, we are not...
Volunteers—The First People You Meet in Oshkosh
We arrived here around 9 am this am, after a wonderful flight from Dekalb, IL. Nothing like a nice calm flight over the IL...
Leaky Primer Line
Primer lines need to be silver soldered into their fittings. Using RTV to fix a leak is not acceptable and poses a serious fire...