Vic Syracuse
Fuel Pump Overflow
The overflow connection at the engine-driven fuel pump needs to be connected to a tube that exits the cowling.
Failed Ignition System
When it comes to aircraft ignition systems, I’ve always favored having one magneto and one electronic ignition system (EIS). Many dual electronic ignitions require...
Unairworthy Engine Controls
Engine controls should be mounted properly to the engine, not the engine mount tubes, and they should be secured with the proper attachments. The...
The Best Oshkosh Ever
I know many of you following the progress of my Hummingbird helicopter are probably thinking that flying it to the show is what made...
Bad Weld
Sometimes welding should be left to those more skilled in its practice. I don’t think I would trust this repair that was made to...
The Case of No Rotor RPM Indication
I am now in the flight-testing stage with my Hummingbird helicopter. Personally, I’ve always liked the 40 hours of required flight testing as it...
Cabin Air
Do not use the engine compartment as a source of fresh air or heat, as there is the potential for carbon monoxide poisoning.
Building the ‘Beater – Part 6
As promised, Lycoming delivered the Thunderbolt engine in December to Vertical Aviation. Since this was the first Thunderbolt engine to be installed in a...