Ty Connell grew up in the shadow of Naval Air Station Oceana on the East Coast and has been fascinated with aircraft since his youth. Still a student pilot, he is currently working on a Van’s RV-14A.
The BD-5's reputation precedes it: long in development, company bankruptcy, investor losses, challenging to fly, early accidents. With an introduction like that, who would think this micro plane would be such a positively straightforward blast to fly?
In this years update of the options for EFIS buyers, we find that while some companies have folded or opted out of courting homebuilders, others are marching ahead with new products, features and cooperative arrangements. By Stein Bruch.
Find welding resources at USAWeld.com, Ztron Labs offers an alternative to conventional aircraft circuit breakers, and record your flights with the AV-HD video system from Data Toys. Edited by Abby Ventzke.