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Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson
Pumping avgas and waxing flight school airplanes got Tom into general aviation in 1973, but the lure of racing cars and motorcycles sent him down a motor journalism career heavy on engines and racing. Today he still writes for peanuts and flies for fun.

Ranting About All Those &%#@$! Screws

It’s condition inspection time again for the ol’ box kite, hence my grumbling mood. It’s like this every year. I curse the zillion little...

Accredited: Sport Air Racing

Showing the way forward in a soon to be post-Reno world, the Sport Air Racing Council was accredited by the FAA after a successful...

Phantom To Appear At Reno

Andrew Buehler, owner of the ultra-fast Biplane racer Phantom called to say he and Phantom will attend the National Championship Air Races in Reno...

Helping Out

You may have noticed, but things have gotten sort of expensive lately. The daily stuff has a new bite to it and the once...

Patina Cub

Shane Madsen hails from secluded Westlock, Alberta Canada and says he’d like to be the Jesse James of airplanes. He’s off to an honest...

Gweduck A Go

Nearly 20 years ago a modern flying boat was developed by Ben Ellison (yes, the throttle body guy) and friends. Photos were taken, flight...

Renegade Redo

Liking a challenge, the out-going Ted Myers of Myers Aviation in Fulton, Missouri is finishing a Murphy Renegade kit into a mini-Waco look-a-like. The Renegade...

110 Horsepower Taiwan Surprise

Tucked away in the sea of tent booths just off Boeing Plaza at AirVenture was a real surprise: a new engine from Taiwanese company...

New Viking Engine

Starting with a 1.3-liter GM 3-cylinder, Viking Aircraft Engines is developing a new 140 hp turbocharged design to compete with the Rotax 915/916 powerplants. Following...

Building Rotax

While scoping out the new 916iS we had the pleasure of chatting with Lauren Burton of Motive.Aero. Laboring under the heavy title of Director...

In Case You Missed It

All About Avionics

With all of the ways to get GPS information into the cockpit, a handheld unit remains a viable option. By Stein Bruch.


Know the Differences.

Propeller Buyer’s Guide

There's a perfect prop for every plane.

Combating Carb Ice

Barnaby Wainfan examines a sneaky and sometimes little understood cause of in-flight scares and engine failures: carb ice.