Tom Wilson
Circling the Airport
Building Experimental aviation engines is a tough business at best, so engine programs come and go. Furthermore, as sport aviation blossoms into the competition...
Jets & Turboprops
PBS Aerospace
Even with all the recent interest in small turboprops, there is but one place to burn kerosene in the build-it-yourself world. The SubSonex...
Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline
Stroker kits and water-cooled cylinders for Lycoming 360/540 engines are AC-Aero’s specialty. This still-new company seems to have found a steady base...
Certified vs. Experimental
Just as airplanes are legally grouped as certified or Experimental, engines follow the same scheme.
Air-cooled Volkswagen
The air-cooled Volkswagen aero conversion community shares many characteristics. Obviously they are all built from the VW Type-1 engine, even if some have been...
Compression Ignition (Diesel & Jet A)
Thanks to their complex and high-pressure nature, diesel (Jet A-burning) piston engines are premium devices full of expensive parts, and their penetration into the...
Stroke! Stroke!
Over time, two-stroke engines in aviation have been supplanted by four-stroke units, trading low weight for a perception of greater reliability.
Rotary (Wankel)
American Rotary Engine /Auto PSRU’s
We’re combining these two very separate companies under one heading because they join to offer a Mazda 13B rotary engine...
Radial and Rotary (Traditional)
Classic Aero Machining
For those seeking an authentic, full-gyroscopic rotary experience, New Zealand-based Classic Aero Machining has developed brand-new seven- and nine-cylinder Gnome Monosoupape engines....
Inline and V Four-Stroke
We hope AeroMomentum doesn’t mind us characterizing them as a boutique engine maker, but they are a compact company centered on delivering modern, water-cooled,...