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Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson
Pumping avgas and waxing flight school airplanes got Tom into general aviation in 1973, but the lure of racing cars and motorcycles sent him down a motor journalism career heavy on engines and racing. Today he still writes for peanuts and flies for fun.
DeltaHawk DHK180

Circling the Airport

Building Experimental aviation engines is a tough business at best, so engine programs come and go. Furthermore, as sport aviation blossoms into the competition...

Jets & Turboprops

PBS Aerospace Even with all the recent interest in small turboprops, there is but one place to burn kerosene in the build-it-yourself world. The SubSonex...

Flat Four-Stroke Gasoline

AC-Aero USA LLC Stroker kits and water-cooled cylinders for Lycoming 360/540 engines are AC-Aero’s specialty. This still-new company seems to have found a steady base...

Certified vs. Experimental

Just as airplanes are legally grouped as certified or Experimental, engines follow the same scheme.

Air-cooled Volkswagen

The air-cooled Volkswagen aero conversion community shares many characteristics. Obviously they are all built from the VW Type-1 engine, even if some have been...

Compression Ignition (Diesel & Jet A)

Continental Thanks to their complex and high-pressure nature, diesel (Jet A-burning) piston engines are premium devices full of expensive parts, and their penetration into the...

Stroke! Stroke!

Over time, two-stroke engines in aviation have been supplanted by four-stroke units, trading low weight for a perception of greater reliability.

Rotary (Wankel)

American Rotary Engine /Auto PSRU’s We’re combining these two very separate companies under one heading because they join to offer a Mazda 13B rotary engine...

Radial and Rotary (Traditional)

Classic Aero Machining For those seeking an authentic, full-gyroscopic rotary experience, New Zealand-based Classic Aero Machining has developed brand-new seven- and nine-cylinder Gnome Monosoupape engines....

Inline and V Four-Stroke

AeroMomentum We hope AeroMomentum doesn’t mind us characterizing them as a boutique engine maker, but they are a compact company centered on delivering modern, water-cooled,...

In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger discusses the impact of the FAAs LODA order allowing Light Sport instructors to resume training with their Experimental aircraft.

The Dawn Patrol

Triumphs and disastrophes.

Wind Tunnel

Trike masts.

Prop Blade Effects

We often treat the propeller as a uniform “actuator disc” and the slipstream as...