Home Authors Posts by Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson
Pumping avgas and waxing flight school airplanes got Tom into general aviation in 1973, but the lure of racing cars and motorcycles sent him down a motor journalism career heavy on engines and racing. Today he still writes for peanuts and flies for fun.

Stuck in Yankton Again (Yea!)

If you ever needed a weather magnet just throw a fly-in... as anyone headed to AirVenture today can tell you. With the rest of...

A Cautionary Tail

His Mong Sport was ready to fall apart, but there's no way Jeff Rose could have known it.

Rear Cockpit

Progress and the Red Baron.

Rear Cockpit

An inside look.

Twilight of a God

What a 550-mph experimental looks like.

Rear Cockpit

Builder types II.

Largest Yet: Mojave Experimental Fly-In 2018

With 344 transient aircraft and 16 local operations logged by the tower, plus what might have been 100 airplanes on the ramp at any one time, the 2018 Mojave Experimental Fly-In April 21, 2018 certainly looked and felt like the most-attended MEFI in the event's six-year history.

Rear Cockpit

Builders by type.

Ly-Con Expands

After decades of developing innovative methods of building stock and hot-rodded experimental Lycomings and Continentals, Visalia, California based Ly-Con is adding square footage to...

The Real McKee

In the ultimate FUUN exercise, Andy McKee flies the Atlantic in search of AirVenture and friendly colonials.

In Case You Missed It

Driver Upgrade for Avionics Trays

Installing small screws into the tight confines of a deep avionics tray is a challenge that can be both annoying and frustrating.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 6)

In this series installment, author Bob Fritz takes you through the basics of a three-day project you can really use: lightweight fiberglass wheel chocks. The article covers materials, cutting, patterns, foam cutting, eliminating bubbles, and pitfalls to look out for during the build; by Bob Fritz.

Ask the DAR

Phase I testing not completed, understanding operating limitations, non-TSOd position lights.

Down to Earth

Amy Laboda has watched her first homebuilt (Kitfox) aircraft and her second daughter come of age in a way that illustrates some parallels between the two.