Tom Wilson
Stuck in Yankton Again (Yea!)
If you ever needed a weather magnet just throw a fly-in... as anyone headed to AirVenture today can tell you. With the rest of...
A Cautionary Tail
His Mong Sport was ready to fall apart, but there's no way Jeff Rose could have known it.
Largest Yet: Mojave Experimental Fly-In 2018
With 344 transient aircraft and 16 local operations logged by the tower, plus what might have been 100 airplanes on the ramp at any one time, the 2018 Mojave Experimental Fly-In April 21, 2018 certainly looked and felt like the most-attended MEFI in the event's six-year history.
Ly-Con Expands
After decades of developing innovative methods of building stock and hot-rodded experimental Lycomings and Continentals, Visalia, California based Ly-Con is adding square footage to...
The Real McKee
In the ultimate FUUN exercise, Andy McKee flies the Atlantic in search of AirVenture and friendly colonials.