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Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson
Pumping avgas and waxing flight school airplanes got Tom into general aviation in 1973, but the lure of racing cars and motorcycles sent him down a motor journalism career heavy on engines and racing. Today he still writes for peanuts and flies for fun.

Unleaded Avgas Approved

It’s easier to catch a neutrino in a jar than come across a fundamental change in general aviation, but it appears we just caught...

Round Fantasies

Modern round motor fans are romantics for sure, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to find the compact Verner radials displayed on equally emotional...

F1 Rocket Update

If there’s one question Vince Frasier at F1 Rocket is tired of answering is, “When is the tapered wing coming out?” So, of course,...

Speed Is in the Air

Air racing at Reno is part iron-age anachronism but also leading-edge development of the airplanes flying today. Where else can you say “4360 cubic...
Starduster biplane over grass strip

Old School Solution

It doesn’t seem that long ago, but maybe it was, that the essence of a sport airplane was a biplane.

Hidden Truths

There are some things to learn in aviation that seemingly only come with experience.

Electric Flight From Behind the Wheel

It’s safe to assume few of us have flown via electric power at this point, while some of us have no doubt taken a spin in an electric car.

The Future of Homebuilding: Engines

The future is going to look a lot like the present when it comes to Experimental aircraft engines. Sorry to be so mundane about...

A Guide to Guides

While it never feels good to be stuck in the ribs, when you deserve it, it hurts even worse. That was our feeling when...

On Mechanics

Given the benign nature of newer homebuilts and the wonders of a repairman certificate, there may be a good number of us not beholden...

In Case You Missed It

Rear Cockpit

Not me!

Cogswell’s Molds

Some of the many cool details of Steve Cogswell’s RV project from last month’s...

Rare Bird

A biplane designed in the 1920s inspires thoughts of aviations Golden Age, and for one pilot, its a perfect complement to his Aeronca Champ.

Wind Tunnel

Builders are often in a rush to prove the airworthiness of their homebuilt projects, but thorough flight-testing is essential.