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Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson
Pumping avgas and waxing flight school airplanes got Tom into general aviation in 1973, but the lure of racing cars and motorcycles sent him down a motor journalism career heavy on engines and racing. Today he still writes for peanuts and flies for fun.

Friday Sport Gold Scene

We can get used to this. In today’s Sport Gold heat there was another near wing to wing run by the front runners. Andrew...

Spirit of Innovation First Flight

Rolls Royce announced their Spirit of Innovation technology demonstrator slipped the surly bonds for the first time earlier this week. The flight took place...

Extreme Composites + James Aircraft

Prowling the Sport class pits we bumped into Jimmy Cox, the long time owner of Extreme Composites and now also the new(ish) owner of...

The Night Shift

One constant in racing, any kind of racing, is you are going to be working on your go-fast machine at night. And if you...

And It Was Only Thursday!

Diehard air racing fans know it can take years to put together a great race, one where the leaders are running close together, where...

Adjustable Air Inlet

Sam Swift of Nashville, Tennessee has some nifty cooling ideas on his Pitts S1-D race plane. One of the more obvious are interchangeable engine air...

Thursday Morning Race Notes

Some quick notes on Thursday morning's heat racing from a bright and thankfully clear Reno. Formula 1 dished up a tasty little knife fight in...

A Good Start

It’s a good start to the Stihl National Air Races in Reno, Nevada. Similar to Air Venture it’s a victory simply to hold the...

Museum of Flying Art

Being a military brat, we moved around some when I was a kid. Having good parents meant we sampled the local fare as much...

Star Bird!

Luxury and efficiency join elegantly in this unique blend of twin engines and canard airframe.

In Case You Missed It

Sport Pilot Airplane

Bob Fritz reviews Sport Pilot Airplane, a new book from Carol and Brian Carpenter, which covers Light Sport Aircraft from selecting an airplane to pilot and aircraft requirements, meteorology, aerodynamics, flying characteristics, transition to new aircraft and FAA paperwork; by Bob Fritz.

Metal Magic

Blocking and roughing. By Mark Lynn.

Light Stuff

When you purchase a new light or ultralight aircraft, you should talk to the manufacturer or distributor about the flight training services they provide. By Roy Beisswenger.

Wind Tunnel

Pitch non-linearities.