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Tom Wilson

Tom Wilson
Pumping avgas and waxing flight school airplanes got Tom into general aviation in 1973, but the lure of racing cars and motorcycles sent him down a motor journalism career heavy on engines and racing. Today he still writes for peanuts and flies for fun.

Reno Looking Good

Got post-AirVenture depression? Fear not, pylon racing at Reno is right around the corner and the entry list has just been posted by the...

Pinnacle of Tattoos

Stopping in the Pinnacle Aircraft Engines booth we were pleased to meet the relatively new owners Todd Lavelle and JD Kuti. They purchased Pinnacle...

Cool Cowlings at James Aircraft

We last spoke to Jimmy Cox, the new owner of James Aircraft, at the 2021 Reno races. Then he was getting the fiberglass specialist...

Postcards from Oshkosh 2022

Sometimes we just need to wander aimlessly around Wittman Field. It's good for the soul and it is fantastic inspiration.

Evoking Youth & Enthusiasm

Looking for a refreshing blast of youth and enthusiasm in the small airplane world? Then drop in to Gadsden, Alabama and try to keep...


It’s true. The cool kids at AirVenture tend to show early, hang around three days, then zoom home. As Cygnet pilot Todd Loes shows...

A Cygnet From the Golden Era

Definitely from the golden era of plans-built homebuilts, Todd Loes' Cygnet SF-2A embodies all the down-on-the-farm ingenuity and patina of that era. While it...

Heron Turbine

Now we can add Greece to the countries joining the modern kit plane era, for that is where Heron is starting production of a...

Swift Fuel: Drop in 100LL Replacement in 2023

Chris D’Acosta, CEO of Swift Fuel updated an AirVenture audience today on his company’s efforts to provided a drop-in replacement for 100LL by 2023....

Sling It!

Keen to show off their new High-Wing variation of the well-regarded low-wing TSi, South African airframer Sling has done so in spectacular fashion by...

In Case You Missed It

Scratch Build a Kit?

I want to present a strategy and method to get a few more prospective...

Stressing Structure

Load distributions, part 1.

Light Stuff

The Sky Arrow 600: a different kind of LSA; by Dave Martin.

Rapid Prototyping and Experimental Design

Coupon testing, part 1.