Home Authors Posts by Susan Brunner

Susan Brunner


The Paint Shop Experience

Deciding that you don't want to paint your homebuilt airplane yourself means placing your baby in the hands of a paint shop. Susan Brunner offers some tips to help manage this important aspect of the building process successfully.

Designing Minds

You've invested thousands of hours building your airplane, and now its time to pick a paint design that will show off all that hard work to best effect. But how do you go about selecting one of innumerable designs? Susan Brunner offers some tips on not only how to narrow the field, but also how to make sure you get the paint job you envisioned.

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

Periodic inspections are a necessary part of homebuilt aircraft ownership. Mel Asberry explains which ones are needed and how they differ from the certificated aircraft variety.

Unusual Attitude

Oshkosh AirVenture gave Ed Wischmeyer the opportunity to look around at the newest ideas in aviation and to think about the larger implications of what he was seeing. He speculates about what works, what doesn't and how manufacturers and consumers alike could make the world of flying a better place.

Buying Used: RANS S-7 Courier

The Sport Pilot’s Super Cub.

How To Sell Your Homebuilt Aircraft

Helpful tips for setting the price, finding a buyer, showing your plane, and protecting yourself from risk.