Home Authors Posts by Steve Ashby

Steve Ashby

Steve Ashby
Steve Ashby is a sometime lawyer and full-time aviation aficionado from Atlanta, Georgia. He learned to fly in 1980 and has adopted a 1968 Skyhawk (your Grandma could fly it). Steve is also working on a Van's RV-8A which he swears will be completed on (a) Thursday.

“Father Of Ultralights” to Hold Forum at SnF

John Moody, widely regarded as the Father of Ultralights, is revered by legions of light plane enthusiasts. As he has been getting along in...

Old Pilot’s Camper Journal: Sun ‘n Fun 2022 #2

Taking off for Sun 'n Fun is always exciting, even if it is for the 37th time. It would have been 38, but they...

Homebuilt Parking Prepping for Action

The show does not start until Tuesday, but the Sun 'n Fun homebuilt parking crew is ready for action. While other GA aircraft are...

Homebuilt Camping Ready to Serve at Sun ‘n Fun

Of all the great happenings at Sun 'n Fun each year, the experience of flying your homebuilt to the show and camping under the...

Old Pilot’s Camper Journal: Sun ‘n Fun 2022 #1

Nothing will cure the blues of winter better than a week at the Sun 'n Fun aviation extravaganza in Lakeland, Florida each spring. Coming...

A Rowdy Bunch of Aviators

A squadron of sandhill cranes landed at Drane Field today, making them the first mass arrival at Sun 'n Fun. A rowdy bunch, the...

Electrolite—the Hyper STOL Ultralight

If there is any doubt that aerodynamic innovation exists in the realm of ultralights, all one needs to do is look at what Aeromarine...

Build Your Own Airport

It’s the great American pilot’s dream—build your own airplane and then build a grass strip from which to fly it. As Gary Stevens related...

Pilgrimage to Pioneer Field

For many travelers, Saturday will be their last day of AirVenture. Even though they have been here all week, they wake up with the...

The Spirit of the Pancake Breakfast is Alive at AirVenture

If you think that AirVenture is too big and too commercial, and if you pine for the grassroots spirit of the local EAA chapter...

In Case You Missed It

Wind Tunnel

Barnaby Wainfan offers an explanation of how tail surfaces can be subject to flutter and how to avoid the potentially disastrous result.

Light Stuff

In an aviation segment where rentals are generally not an option, acquiring your own aircraft may be the way to go. There are deals to be had, if you know where to look. By Roy Beisswenger.

Taming the Lancair IV

Vortecx winglets make a glass speedster faster, slower, and safer.

Design Process: Engine Size

The engine of an airplane must produce enough power to meet the requirements of...