Home Authors Posts by Steve Ashby

Steve Ashby

Steve Ashby
Steve Ashby is a sometime lawyer and full-time aviation aficionado from Atlanta, Georgia. He learned to fly in 1980 and has adopted a 1968 Skyhawk (your Grandma could fly it). Steve is also working on a Van's RV-8A which he swears will be completed on (a) Thursday.

Vic’s New Helo

As readers may recall, Kitplanes Contributing Editor Vic Syracuse built and flew a four place helicopter to AirVenture in 2023. Upon returning home to...

Future Builders

Pilot Zoey Foster (age 6) takes the lead in her Pedal Power RV. Little brother Riley (age 2) flies her wing in a T-6....

Forty-Year-Old Ultralight Still Flying At AirVenture

At the 1993 EAA annual convention (long before they called it AirVenture) a young dreamer walked the ultralight grounds with hopes of someday building...

Hybrid Propulsion is Coming

Aeromarine promises a hybrid propulsion system.

Steve Goes to Reno

Editor's note: We let Steve roam freely around the pits in Reno. Besides the stories he posted from around Reno Stead, here's what he...

Yamaha-Powered STOL Highlander

Eddie Sanches herds an American Airlines 777 around for a living, but on the weekends he enjoys the rough and tumble world of STOL...

Badlands Vaquero Debuts at Reno Air Races

Short take off and landing (STOL) competitions are storming the country as the most popular new events at air races, flyins and air shows....

Turbine Murphy Moose/Beast Makes Big Splash at AirVenture

The Murphy Moose, a four-place, high wing, all-aluminum back-country hauler, was released to the kit-building public over 20 years ago. Designed for ease of...

Grand Champion Falco Passes 1750 Hours At AirVenture

When David and Tamera Nason completed their beautiful Ferrari red Falco F.8L in June of 1999, they had no idea of the adventures their...

From Rivet to Airplane

Rachel St. Louis grew up in the little town of Machias, Maine with loving parents Michael and Rose. Michael, a self taught mechanical and...

In Case You Missed It

Tips for Installing Your Props Properly

It pays to be thorough and follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter when installing a prop on your homebuilt.

What’s New

Paradise Aircraft introduces a new LSA, there's a new fiberglass panel for the Glasair Glastar or Sportsman, and Fisher Flying Products is under new ownership; edited by Mary Bernard.

Build It Right: Belting Your Homebuilt

Thinking about restraints while building is easier than fixing substandard ideas later on.


 The X FilesChuck Bodeen's article on X-Plane was very informative, but somewhat misleading,...