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Stein Bruch

Stein Bruch
Minnesota-based Stein Bruch is in a unique position of running a successful avionics shop that caters to the Experimental crowd. As such, he's seen, installed, trouble-shot and fixed just about everything on the market. In other words, he knows what he's talking about.

All About Avionics

More and more pilots are installing all-inclusive engine monitoring equipment in their aircraft, and, fortunately, todays monitors are dully reliable.

All About Avionics: Panel Labels

Avionics wiz Stein Bruch discusses the pros and cons of the most popular ways of labeling your panel including placards, decals, rub-on labels, silkscreens and laser etching.

All About Avionics: We Came, We Saw

There are seemingly few more mundane tasks than making holes, but there are as many ways to do them, as there are different sizes and shapes of holes. This month, Stein Bruch describes how to cut holes in the panel yourself, using tools you may already have around the shop.

All About Avionics: Cutting The Metal

Heres something to ponder: By the time you get to the point where you are ready to build the panel in your homebuilt aircraft, you've already mastered many of the skills and techniques you'll need to do it by virtue of completing the airframe. That statement is all the more credible when it comes from someone with a vested interest in the subject, our own avionics expert Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics

Much of our focus in this series has been on the latest and greatest electronic gadgetry. But traditional instrument packages, the so-called six-pack, have their benefits. Avionics wizard Stein Bruch extols their virtues and explains their vices in this months installment.

All About Avionics

Todays homebuilt aircraft avionics packages often incorporate a number of boxes behind the panel, all requiring a particular type of wiring to go with them (not to mention all the other power draws such as lights, flap motors, etc.). Its advisable, then, to consider the length and nature of the wiring to be included in your project from the moment you start building. Avionics techno Stein Bruch explains the how and why of managing the wiring requirements for your aircraft.

All About Avionics–The Electric Airplane

Its a new world in homebuilt avionics, driven by electronic instruments and powered by an electrical system tailored to meet each specific application. Resident Avionics Guru Stein Bruch walks you through numerous possible configurations for powering your equipment, and offers tips on how to do the installation right the first time.

All About Avionics

Having worked with a variety of products from various manufacturers, author Stein Bruch has a lot of wisdom on the ins and outs of electronic flight instrument systems (EFISes) for homebuilts. He dispenses those smarts here, and offers tips on what to consider when making this important avionics decision, including such items as compatibility, reliability, value and ease of installation.

All About Avionics, Part 9

One of the final steps in getting your avionics suite to work is installation of some sort of antenna to capture various radio frequencies. Failing to choose the right antenna and install it properly can compromise the whole installation. Rather than focusing on the intricacies of antenna design, the author discusses the merits of internal versus external for particular equipment plus where to place them; by Stein Bruch

All About Avionics

Sophisticated and capable audio systems used to be less common in Experimental aircraft, but now many pilots want expanded capabilities. There are ways to go about choosing and installing such systems that will alleviate unnecessary instrument noise and allow for the best audio quality possible. Avionics expert Stein Bruch walks you through the considerations and offers his top three tips for avoiding problems.

In Case You Missed It

Light Up

When I first started construction on my RV-10 in 2007, old-school incandescent lights were...

Around the World and Over Both Poles

Sky Polaris-a historic flight in an RV-8, part 3.


What's in a Name?I just opened my September issue of KITPLANES® and found a...

Alternative Energies

They may be largely unknown today, but two French brothers were among those exploring battery-powered flight in the 1880s. By Dean Sigler.