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Stein Bruch

Stein Bruch
Minnesota-based Stein Bruch is in a unique position of running a successful avionics shop that caters to the Experimental crowd. As such, he's seen, installed, trouble-shot and fixed just about everything on the market. In other words, he knows what he's talking about.

Ground Control

Don't let grounding problems short-circuit your avionics systems.

All About Avionics

A clear definition of the mission along with a realistic assessment of the type of flying you'll do are key to successfully completing an avionics retrofit. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics: Flight-Control Systems

As the industry matures, the sheer variety and capabilities of autopilots for Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft are flourishing. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics: EFIS Dreams 2010

In this years update of the options for EFIS buyers, we find that while some companies have folded or opted out of courting homebuilders, others are marching ahead with new products, features and cooperative arrangements. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics: Pitot-Static

While there have been many attempts by homebuilders to make their pitot-static systems better than the rest, the tried and true methods remain sound. By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics

Stein Bruch reviews the airborne weather choices for the homebuilder, using technology undreamed of only 20 years ago.

All About Avionics: Electrical Connections

Building a plane? Youll need connectors. Stein Bruch shows you what to use, where to put them and how to make a quality connection.

All About Avionics: Wiring Bundles

Anyone can make wiring look good. The bonus is that your installations maintenance and future upgrades will be much easier. Stein Bruch shows you how.

All About Avionics: Autopilots

Want to be fresh at the end of a long flight? Experimental-only autopilots beat their certified counterparts. They're usually less expensive, more capable and far more user-serviceable (if you know what you're doing). By Stein Bruch.

All About Avionics: EFIS Dreams

Much has changed since our last review of Experimental EFISes more than a year ago. It’s getting harder to differentiate among companies and their products as these systems mature and functionality becomes more similar. By Stein Bruch.

In Case You Missed It

Miles Versus Knots

To put it politely, we were recently taken to task for using mph instead...

Mike and Laura Starkey’s RANS S-21: Part 12

We have finally arrived at the “last 10%” of our RANS S-21 Outbound build—our...

Build Your Skills: Metal, Part 2

How to meld with metal and bash rivets without blood or tears; by Dan Checkoway.

What’s New

Lights, engines, action. Kuntzleman Electronics debuts landing-taxi-recognition LED lights; the Sherpa flies again behind the K650 Honeywell turbine; and Fisher Flying Products gets ready to resume production from its new factory in Ontario, Canada. Edited by Mary Bernard.