Home Authors Posts by Roy Beisswenger

Roy Beisswenger

Roy Beisswenger
Roy Beisswenger is the technical editor for Powered Sport Flying magazine (www.psfmagazine.com) and host of the Powered Sport Flying Radio Show (www.psfradio.com). He is also a Light Sport repairman and gold seal flight instructor for Light Sport Aircraft as well as the United States delegate to CIMA, the committee of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) pertaining to microlight activity around the world.

Light Stuff

After studying Experimental aircraft, the National Transportation Safety Board developed 16 recommendations. Roy Beisswenger outlines the good, the bad and the still-needed.

Light Stuff

Should powered-parachute and trike pilots have the option of earning a commercial license? By Roy Beisswenger.

Light Stuff

The dream of flying cars remains alive and well, and several companies are taking on the challenge. By Roy Beisswenger.

Light Stuff

The Sport Pilot rules allow you wide latitude in changing categories of aircraft without a lot of re-training, opening up intriguing options for pilots interested in diversifying their flying. By Roy Beisswenger.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger discusses a rational path for owners of sport aircraft to become commercially rated.

Light Stuff

If your homebuilt aircraft requires more assembly than actual fabrication, what does that mean vis-a-vis the FAA’s 51% rule? Roy Beisswenger looks into it.

Light Stuff

Roy Beisswenger encourages Americans to participate in the World Microlight and World Paramotor Championships to be held in Spain this summer, and discusses what is required to compete.

Light Stuff

Not all airports welcome “out of the ordinary” aircraft such as gyros, ultralights or powered parachutes. If you’ve been shut out, here are some tips to get you back in. By Roy Beisswenger.

Light Stuff

Ready to jump into gyroplanes? Roy Beisswenger explains the options available and the regulations for this exciting segment of aviation.

Light Stuff

Interested in ultralights? Roy Beisswenger explains what is available and how to make the right choice for your needs.

In Case You Missed It

Maintenance Matters

Crank seal replacement.

Making Sandable Foam Glue/Filler

An epoxy alternative thats easier to work with for low-stress, structural applications.


Oshkosh 2017 musings.

Legalities of Fly-Ins

Fly-in season is coming up, but lawsuit season is year-round. By Jerry Eichenberger.