Home Authors Posts by Ron Wanttaja

Ron Wanttaja

Ron Wanttaja
Ron Wanttaja is a systems engineer, engaged in satellite orbit/constellation design and analysis, launch vehicle and onboard propulsion system trades, and operations concepts for space systems. He worked on the early design studies for the International Space Station.

Safety Is No Accident: Canards

The appeal of canard-type designs hasn't faded, and the design was heralded as inherently safer because of its resistance to stalling. Ron Wanttaja reveals the veracity of that claim given the accident numbers.

Safety is No Accident: Avid and Kitfox

This month Ron Wanttaja looks at two similar designs, Avid and Kitfox, which have some major distinctions when it comes to the accident numbers.

Safety is No Accident: Lancair Designs

Author Ron Wanttaja uses NTSB data to illustrate how Lancair designs of all varieties stand in the ratings of aircraft accidents vis--vis other homebuilts.

Safety Is No Accident: Van’s RV series

It’s been a couple of years since we looked at how homebuilts generally fared in the accident statistics vis-à-vis certified aircraft. This time around we’ll look at the safety records of specific homebuilt designs, starting with the Van’s RV.

Homebuilt Aircraft Safety 1998-2008

Far be it from Ron Wanttajas experience to be complacent when it comes to aircraft accident statistics. In this article, he updates two previous articles on the subject of homebuilt aircraft safety and digs deep to find meaning and context for the numbers.

In Case You Missed It

A HOG in Time Takes…Forever

As I told you a couple of months ago, “In theory, there is no...

2012 Engine Buyer’s Guide

In Part 1 of our 2012 Engine Buyer’s Guide, Marc Cook explores what’s currently available in traditional powerplants, and why such engines might be the best choice for your homebuilt aircraft needs.

Cabin Heat Plenum

Inexpensive solution to heat distribution. By Gary Jones.

Reno’s Experimental Honor Roll

Just some of Reno’s more iconic hot rods.