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Richard VanGrunsven

Richard VanGrunsven
Richard "Van" VanGrunsven learned to fly in 1956 at the age of 16. An engineer and aircraft designer, he founded and developed Van's Aircraft, Inc. into the acknowledged leader in kit aircraft. He often speaks and writes about flying skills and safety. A life in aviation, including thousands of hours piloting both powered aircraft and sailplanes, has given him plenty of time to consider what makes pilots unsafe…or safe. He prefers the latter.

Error Chain

The takeoff might better have been described as a launch. With the new 150-hp Lycoming engine in my 700-pound RV-3, it was off in...

AKIA Industry Insights

Advice to designers and one designer's response.

Unusual Attitude

Vans Aircraft founder Richard VanGrunsven considers flight safety, and how improving our building and piloting skills would do more to reduce the number of mishaps than additional regulations would.

In Case You Missed It

Phase I Maintenance

Some of the things to which new mechanics or new owners of Amateur-Built aircraft should pay attention.


Long Live Long-EZs! I really liked the article on the Rutan Aircraft Flying Experience ...

Wanted: Engine Competition

Imagine a time not too long ago when pilots embarking on the delicious endeavor to build their own airplanes could consider multiple sources for just about any engine on the menu.

Archive: May 1988

An impressively tight shot of the Prescott Pusher homebuilt made sure our May 1988...