Paul Dye
Build It Better: Learning from History
Everything we know about aviation comes from the experience of designers, builders and pilots who came before us. Understanding their successes and failures can help us fly and build more safely.
Supermarine Aircraft Mk 26B
Quick and nimble, with distinctive elliptical wings: The Spitfire was a classic WW-II fighter plane. Now a 90%-scale kit, true to the original, makes this inspired design available to the homebuilder.
Flight Testing
Even current pilots need to hone specific skills before attempting a first flight in their homebuilts. There's only one way to do that: practice. And then practice some more.
Build It Better: Building to Requirements
It can be tough to keep a homebuilt project from ballooning out of control when so many tempting innovations and extras catch your eye along the way. Having a specific vision from the outset can help keep things on track.
Free Flight
What does a video game have in common with building an airplane? More than you might think.
Flight Testing
Personnel roles, emergency contingencies, communications-there are many moving parts involved in the first flight of a homebuilt. Paul Dye catalogs them and offers a sample flight plan that worked for him.
Build It Better: Knowing how it works
How do you reconcile a discrepancy between two gauges in your aircraft, say, a float-gauge reading and fuel-totalizer data? It helps to have a deep understanding of your systems.
Free Flight
In a short, late-afternoon flight, Paul Dye takes on a particular Houston cloud formation and exalts in the glory of flying an airplane perfectly suited to his whims.
Build It Better: Testing, testing, one, two, three
There's no substitute for real-world testing--;something homebuilders should keep in mind when moving from the theoretical to the actual application.
Light and Capable
There are so many ways to try to keep the weight down in a homebuilt project, but some are better than others.