Paul Dye
Ya’ Gotta Do what Ya’ Gotta Do
Common tools occasionally prove to be the solution to an obscure problem.
The Most Dangerous Thing in the Cockpit
Forget about all those sharp corners, the quantity of fuel aboard and the fire extinguisher you threw in the baggage compartment without tying it down. It is always important to at least consider the fact that the most dangerous thing to have in the cockpit when things go wrong is the owner of the airplane.
Building a Backbone
Building the “spinal cord” from panel to tail is far easier (even when you use conduit) before the floors are nailed down, so think about it early.
Hide the Comm
Someone asked me (after seeing the panel photo of our nascent Rocket front office) why there are circuit breakers underneath the IFR Nav/Transponder on...
Panel Tricks… and Cheats
Even if you’re only off a small fraction of an inch, the eye sees that the air vent isn’t concentric in the hole.
Old, New & Old Again!
We are seeing more talk of people rebuilding cores found in barns or the back of hangars.