Paul Dye
Little Planes are Fun!
With Sun 'n Fun starting up next week, it was time to head to Florida a little early to do some flying for upcoming...
Tools Making Tools
One thing about homebuilders - we love to make things! Just about any project will do, as long as there is stuff to figure...
"I Certify…."
"I certify that this aircraft has been inspected on 16 March 2016 in accordance with the scope and detail of Appendix D of Part...
Measuring Progress
Very few homebuilt aircraft are built in less than a year's time - at least when built by the average builder. For most, it...
First Engine Start
There are a couple of special days in the life of an experimental airplane project, and one that ranks right up there near the...
We Have an Engine!
The Lycoming Disassembly & Assembly course wrapped up this morning as we studied and installed the oil pump, accessory case, and magnetos - along...
Rubber Band Trick
I have watched and helped with the assembly of Lycoming engines before - but each time I've seen it done, there are little variations...