Paul Dye
Hi-Tech Tech Counseling
I had a wonderful flight on a recent cool Saturday morning out into the middle of Nevada - Winnemucca, Nevada, to be precise. Cold...
It Takes a Village
...And every village needs an idiot. Or at least someone who doesn't know something. The best thing though - is the village can come...
Take a look at these beautiful pictures, taken over the town of Truckee (CA), just north of Lake Tahoe, at the northern edge of...
Favorite Tools
I was working on a part for our Xenos the other day - a fairly complicated bracket to hold an idler bell crank that...
Ultimate Instrument Proficiency Check
I fly a lot of new experimental aircraft, which means I do a lot of flying with the latest technology when it comes to...
There are a few fundamentals when it comes to aviation weather that many pilots never really get taught. These have nothing to do whatsoever...