Home Authors Posts by Paul Dye

Paul Dye

Paul Dye
Paul Dye, KITPLANES® Editor at Large, retired as a Lead Flight Director for NASA’s Human Space Flight program, with 50 years of aerospace experience on everything from Cubs to the Space Shuttle. An avid homebuilder, he began flying and working on airplanes as a teen and has experience with a wide range of construction techniques and materials. He flies an RV-8 and SubSonex jet that he built, an RV-3 that he built with his pilot wife, as well as a Dream Tundra and an electric Xenos motorglider they completed. Currently, they are building an F1 Rocket. A commercially licensed pilot, he has logged over 6000 hours in many different types of aircraft and is an A&P, FAA DAR, EAA Tech Counselor and Flight Advisor; he was formerly a member of the Homebuilder’s Council. He consults and collaborates in aerospace operations and flight-testing projects across the country.

Come on down!

While Sun 'n Fun 2018 opened to a day with significant thundershowers and rain, the forecast is for better weather starting on Wednesday, and...

Homebuilder's (Brief) Guide to Sun 'n Fun

There is a lot to see and do at Sun 'n Fun, and even a lot NOT to do - just sitting and watching...

Florida vs. Wisconsin

No matter where you go for a big aviation fly-in, expect to see lots of RV's. Sure, there are going to be hundreds of...

Season Opener

When I was a young pilot back in Minnesota, it was clear that there was an off-season for flying. Despite having access to a...

On Your Mark… Get Set…

Two days to go before Sun 'n Fun 2018 takes of in Lakeland, Florida, and the exhibit area is full of trucks delivering all...

What Do You Suppose…

Now what do you suppose is in such an odd-shaped box? I figure that UPS and FeedEx drivers (not to mention the long-suffering local...

Editor’s Log

Chasing ratings.

Dropping in on Glasair

I had the opportunity to pop up to Arlington, Washington the other day to visit Glasair, maker of the Sportsman and home of their...

The Survey

I got one of those little postcards in the mail today - the ones you get from the FAA semi-occasionally that ask you to...

Why yes – it IS a kit!

The Silent Electro2 is a self-launching single seat, 40:1 sailplane with an electric motor to get you into the air with little effort. Sold...

In Case You Missed It

What’s New

Lights, engines, action. Kuntzleman Electronics debuts landing-taxi-recognition LED lights; the Sherpa flies again behind the K650 Honeywell turbine; and Fisher Flying Products gets ready to resume production from its new factory in Ontario, Canada. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Design Process: Landing Gear, Part 3

Last month we took a look at the basic characteristics of the two most...

Airpark Living

Since the very discovery that such  a thing existed, I, like many other pilots,...

Second Chance Six

Fuel tanks are done! Now what?