Paul Dye
How Complete?
Back about 50 years ago, if you bought a kit for an aircraft, what you received was a set of crude plans, some notes...
Hey Ridley…
Nope, it's not just for pilots - sometimes, a mechanic or builder just needs to stick a nut on the end of a screwdriver...
Efficient Glass Work
Here's a short little tip for making your composite work a little more efficient.
How many times have you started a work session by mixing...
A Time for Lists
There comes a time in every homebuilt project where you need to start making lists. To-do lists. Up until that time, you are simply...
Wiring Time!
It's easy to tell when a shop is deep into avionics wiring - at least it is in my shop! I generally start by...
Easy Hole Spacing
One of the curses of modern CAD technology is that designers can draw something up, then have the computer dimension it on the drawing...
Building an airplane is something that requires not only specific shop skills and experience, it also takes a great deal of planning—at least if...
Power to the Panel!
When you're elbow deep in wiring, it is motivating once in awhile to clear all of the debris, check all the connections, and apply...