Paul Dye
Editor’s Log: Crew Change
Marc Cook, former editor in chief, is once again going to hold that position here, as Paul Dye steps into the role of editor at large.
It’s Different in the Jet
Let's face it - when flying a cross-country in an RV (or other higher-performance experimental single that isn't turbocharged), we like to think about...
I have been writing this blog called Kneeboard Notes for about four or five years now, and one thing I don't think I have...
Group Therapy
As a naturally introverted engineer (redundant, I know), I enjoy working in my shop all alone, with nothing but a little soft music (and...
The Gorge
How is it that an airplane oriented company like Van’s Aircraft can be based in a valley that always seems to be fogged or...
It’s That Time Again
It's time for us aviation journalists to trot out our well-oiled please for practice, tolerance, and good decision-making
Passing the Baton
Marc Cook returns to the pages of Kitplanes as Editor in Chief while Paul step into another role.