Paul Dye
No Charge – No Kidding!
Crimps are important, and as much as we hate it, you need special tools to do them right.
Ready for Main Engine Start!
That’s a phrase I haven’t heard since my space shuttle days, but it ran through my head yesterday as my wife got ready to...
How to Save 24 Pounds – and Look Great Doing It!
Our loyal RV-8, the Valkyrie, is rapidly approaching the 2000 hour mark on the Hobbs, and all of that time, she has been flying...
Puttering in the Shop
The dog days of August means that its hot in the shop in the afternoon! Out here in the Nevada hinterlands, it doesn’t pay...
Fun With Part Numbers
As I'm getting ready to re-assemble my wife’s O-360-A1A, I have spent a lot of time looking up part numbers. Not, as it turns...
Building and Flying an RV-8
For pilots brought up with standard certified aircraft, the RV-8 will plaster a grin on their face that can’t be washed off and rarely fades.
Hate It When I Do That!
First things first - this is in no way Aircraft Spruce’s fault! Nope, this is totally on me - they sent exactly what I...
Out with the Old
Yes, know that I have written numerous times over the years about being careful about “while I’m in there…” syndrome—starting out on a simple...