Paul Dye
Something Doesn’t Look Right
Look ma’ no eyebrow cooling holes!
The electric Xenos project rolls on, and forces one to rethink what we hold to be conventional. Most air-cooled...
A Two-headed Stick
No, you have not entered the magical realm of a circus freak show—this really is exactly what it looks like—a control stick with two...
Dealing With Off-Nominal: Part 1
Taking a closer look at “off-nominal” flight experiences and what to do about them.
The First Liar
Throughout the history of places where pilots gather—be it a hangar, lounge or friendly saloon—one thing has always held true: the old saying that...
Home Away from Home… Thanks Dynon!
One of the hidden treasures in the Reno Air Race pits, tucked in among the Sport Class racers and their pits, is a bite...
Better Safe…
As competitive as he is, Sport Class President Bob Mills is first and foremost a pilot with excellent judgement. So when he taxied out...
Harbingers of Winds to Come
The atmosphere in Reno, Nevada this year gives you two choices - you can have smoke, or you can have wind - which drives...
The Smallest “Sponsor”
When we watched Bob Mills prepping Race 49 (his read Rocket 6) for a heat race on Wednesday, we noticed that his fuel cap...