Myron Nelson
Check Ride Chalk Talk
I think it is safe to assume that the vast majority of our readers have taken a check ride “practical test” at least once...
Let’s Get Dirty
Some—perhaps even many—pilots of Experimental aircraft never operate their artfully homebuilt aircraft on any runway surface not considered “improved,” meaning asphalt or concrete. That’s...
Dollars and Sense
In my decades in aviation, I have come across individuals representing a wide financial demography—from folks who could buy a Boeing with a personal...
Minimax to the Rescue
It's not easy to find a tug/tow bar assembly substantial enough to handle the job adequately and still be portable enough to be carried aboard.
Problemas en México
I was dismayed to receive an alert from the Baja Bush Pilots that aviation authorities in Mexico have recently turned away Experimental aircraft after entering the country.
Hanging up the Spurs
As I write this, it is August 31, 2020, which wouldn’t normally mean anything to anybody, especially me. Except for this particular day is...
Sensor Sensibilities
In 2011, when I purchased my engine sensor package for the then new Dynon SkyView system, the sensors of choice for fuel and oil...
Weighty Matters
We’ve all been taught the five primary forces of flight—lift, thrust, gravity and drag. (Plus money, but it’s more existential.) Let’s focus on gravity,...
Airpark Living, Continued
Last month, I talked about the various types of airparks available for those so inclined as well as the specific airpark, AZ82, that my...
Airpark Living
Since the very discovery that such a thing existed, I, like many other pilots, have dreamed of airpark living. For the purposes of this...