Home Authors Posts by Mike Manning

Mike Manning

Mike Manning
Mike Manning has been doing upholstery work for more than 30 years. He’s a private pilot, SEL and glider, and he’s instrument rated with all three launch endorsements for his glider ticket.

The Owner Assisted Interior

Working with an upholstery expert can save you money and time when designing and installing an interior in an Experimental aircraft. By Mike Manning.

Cover Story: Carpet and Panels

Now that you've fabricated your seat upholstery, its time to tackle the rest of the interior with a look at carpeting and door panels.

Cover Story: Seat Cover Conventions

Now that the foam is cut and glued, we’ll learn how to make the pattern, choose and cut the fabric, and sew the cover.

Cover Story: Building a Custom Cushion

Learn how to measure, cut and assemble the foam pieces that constitute the seat cushion.

Cover Story: Designing Men

In this first installment of the upholstery series, the author looks at the basics: sewing machines, scissors, needles and thread, and more.

In Case You Missed It

Wrap it up?

Some of the most intriguing aircraft paint jobs out there aren’t paint anymore. By Amy Laboda.

Fitting an RV-7A Cowl

Part 3: Installing Skybolt fasteners and finishing the installation.

One Builder’s Headache is Another’s Project

Sometimes picking up a project that needs a little work is just the ticket for (re)building satisfaction.

All About Avionics

Building your own panel need not be daunting. Stein Bruch offers some wisdom about how to keep the project on task and avoid the mistakes others have made.