Mary Bernard
New Product: Adjustable Mounting Collars
Stafford Manufacturing offers a wide selection of mounting collars that can be used to attach a variety of devices and accessories onto structural tubing...
New Product: SUNLite LED Lighting System
AeroLEDs now offers a smaller version of its popular AeroSUN LED anti-collision/landing/taxi light system introduced last year at Oshkosh AirVenture. Both the SUNLite and...
New Product: AirGator Offers Improved Handheld EFB
AirGator announced the release of its improved NAVPad5 electronic flight bag. Its small form factor offers all of the functionality of the company’s full-size...
Lancair Love Story
Few homebuilders forget the first airplane they constructed, even if they go on to do others. That was the case with Mike Maxwell, who had pretty much given up on ever seeing his Lancair 235 again. But life is nothing if not full of surprises, and Mike was in for a big one.
Lancair Love Story
Few homebuilders forget the first airplane they constructed, even if they go on to do others. That was the case with Mike Maxwell, who had pretty much given up on ever seeing his Lancair 235 again. But life is nothing if not full of surprises, and Mike was in for a big one.
What’s New
The new Lancair Evolution flies, and the Aircraft Electronics Association speaks out on ADS-B implementation. The Arlington Fly-In and EAA sign new agreement, and Garmin introduces the GPSMAP 495. Aircrafters LLC is the distributor for a new overhead lighting console.
New Product: Viper’s Next Gen Aircraft
Viper Aircraft has added a new design to its lineup, the Viper FanJet, which offers greater range, higher fuel efficiency and expanded cargo capacity,...
New Products: Bosch Jigsaw Kit
The Bosch 18-volt cordless jigsaw has been added to Aircraft Spruce’s line of Bosch power tools. The 6-pound jigsaw has a One-Touch system that...
New Products: CD-Based Weather Course Introduced
Weather Statement Groundschool is now offering a course on METARS (Aviation Routine Weather Reports) and TAFs (Terminal Area Forecasts) that you can complete on...
New Products: Overhead Lighting Console
Aircrafters of Watsonville, California, is now the exclusive distributor for a new, lightweight, multipurpose overhead lighting console designed and manufactured by Pegasus Aeromarine, Inc....